Health is Growth & Learning.

Anti-Inflammatory Anti-oxidant Digestive Health Energy Juice GetYourTailsUp Growth healing Healing Spice Immune Immune Booster Immune Health Joint Health Journey Juice Life Loose Leaf Teas Nutrition Juice Personal Growth Reborn Self healing Self-care Soothing Teas Tea Transformation Turmeric Turmeric Spice

Health is Growth & Learning.


Healthy Nutrients will give us the  basic functions: it will provide energy, contribute to our body structure, and/or regulate chemical processes in the body. These basic functions allow us to detect & respond to environmental surroundings, move, excrete wastes, breathe, grow, and reproduce. Ways to recover from a illness.

Positive thinking, worrying or negative thinking will only make matters worst find some strategies to reduce worrying.

Relaxation, take time out to relax, think of pleasant things and listen to music to calm your nerves.

Stress & Tension, practice slow and deep breathing particularly when you feel tense or stressed.

Healthy diet, maintain a healthy diet eat regularly throughout the day rather than one or two heavy meals. Choose nutritious foods that you enjoy eating. Try having small amounts often, avoid inappropriate foods – try not to have them in the house.

Keep active, regular exercise promotes health and wellbeing. Do some physical activity every day, even if it is only a small amount.

Sleep, adequate sleep can help you to cope with a medical condition, illness or injury. Try not to nap during the day. Lie in bed only if you plan to sleep, and not for other activities like watching TV. Don’t have stimulants, such as tea or coffee, at night. Exercise during the day so your body is ready for sleep at night.

Support, a support team can help you maintain your quality of life when you are ill. To help you find and maintain support: Plan to catch up with family and friends. Keep a regular schedule of contact throughout each week. Tell your family and friends about your condition and let them know how they can help you. Consider new sources of support, such as support groups, clubs, interest groups and volunteer opportunities.

Good Health is about your overall physical and mental wellbeing. It's about feeling your best, not about how you look. Following a strict diet or exercise regimen won't necessarily make you healthy but is a large Key to get you there — to be healthy you must care about your Mind, Body, and Soul.



Susan Daley.





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