
Looking For That Match In A Partnership.

Looking For That Match In A Partnership.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time to stop trying to raise grown adults… they're already set in their ways. Be cautious of those who say, 'My mama already raised me.' If their mother was a hell-raiser or a gangster, you might be dealing with the product of that very same environment. It's essential to understand what you want in a partner and examine how they treat others, especially their parents and siblings. These interactions can reveal a lot about their character and behavior. Chances are, the way they interact with their closest family members is a indication of how they'll treat...

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Making A Way Out Of No Way… Through Creative Thinking

Making A Way Out Of No Way… Through Creative Thinking

Creativity thrives on passion—the surge of enthusiasm that bubbles up when you are captivated by an idea and truly believe in your vision. Our most inspired moments come when we engage in activities we genuinely love, so identify your passions and allow your creativity to soar like a bird freed from its cage. Throughout history, we have always faced tremendous obstacles, yet we have adapted and built new paths. To keep the creative fire burning, nurture your thirst for knowledge and be open to imagination. Capture all your ideas, whether it’s good or bad; you never know which one might...

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Taking Responsibility For Your Own Welfare.

Taking Responsibility For Your Own Welfare.

GetYourTailsUp… Taking responsibility for your own welfare is so pleasing to your soul, your health is ultimately your own responsibility. While support is always available, engaging in self-care is crucial. Assuming  responsibility for your self-care, your actions and behaviors will  eliminates blame shifting. Personal responsibility entails being accountable for decisions, actions, and thoughts. Self-accountability involves owning up to one's actions without laying blame on others. It's about recognizing that we have control over our choices and behaviors, and acknowledging the impact that it have on our lives and the lives of our love ones. Please stay well and take care...

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The Absolute Bonafide Meaning Of Real, Has Been Stolen For Human Beings.

The Absolute Bonafide Meaning Of Real, Has Been Stolen For Human Beings.

We sit here and observe a world where truth is obscured and authenticity is undervalued. Society has accepts falsehoods as reality, and synthetic substitutes as genuine treasures. As AI inundates us with idealized images, people settling for the superficial allure of others' appearances. Yet, our true beauty transcends flawless pictures and flawless faces.  The real beauty resides within the depths of our souls and radiates on how we presence ourselves to the world. Embracing our true selves, unapologetically and unabashedly, is a force more potent than any superficial standard.  Let us reclaim the power of authenticity and celebrate the genuine...

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The real purpose of human life

The real purpose of human life

Our existence is that we learn, adapt, and grow. Good health, happiness, and longevity are the payoffs for this. The evolution is the foundation of our existence. The purpose of our lives is to continue to "evolve" during our lifetime by learning and growing. The meaningful of it all is to contribute and recognize our gifts and use it to give back to the world. As we are graced with a new day on earth, the daily goal is to be the absolute best versions of ourselves. Living with purpose, meaning and compassion, through our heart, body and soul.Humans are...

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