
We Are The Main Reason For Our Sickness.

We Are The Main Reason For Our Sickness.

With all the Toxins we put into our body everyday, we care less about how to clean these toxins out of our system. We indulge in many things at our own risk. Jeopardizing our health and calling it good living. We have so much toxins in our bodies that our system is on overload right now. We are Sick, Sluggish, Weak with no Energy, this is why we can’t absorb the nutrients needed to keep us well.   Over the years you have seen my posts saying Clean, Nourish, Hydrate and Boost. The toxicity in our body is causing the...

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Health is Growth & Learning.

Anti-Inflammatory Anti-oxidant Digestive Health Energy Juice GetYourTailsUp Growth healing Healing Spice Immune Immune Booster Immune Health Joint Health Journey Juice Life Loose Leaf Teas Nutrition Juice Personal Growth Reborn Self healing Self-care Soothing Teas Tea Transformation Turmeric Turmeric Spice

Health is Growth & Learning.

Health is Growth & Learning.   Healthy Nutrients will give us the  basic functions: it will provide energy, contribute to our body structure, and/or regulate chemical processes in the body. These basic functions allow us to detect & respond to environmental surroundings, move, excrete wastes, breathe, grow, and reproduce. Ways to recover from a illness. Positive thinking, worrying or negative thinking will only make matters worst find some strategies to reduce worrying. Relaxation, take time out to relax, think of pleasant things and listen to music to calm your nerves. Stress & Tension, practice slow and deep breathing particularly when...

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Reunification To Good Health & Good Living.

GetYourTailsUp healing Jourey Self healing Self-care

Reunification To Good Health & Good Living.

Taking the opportunity to get it right and ask God for Reunification of Excellent Healing, Vision, A Pure Soul and a Clear Perspective on Life. Sometimes taking a step back and moving closer to the mirror than ever before will give you signs. Bring that focus only on yourself for about 10 mins at a given time. Talk to yourself, ask yourself questions, and make sure you answer the questions asked. Staying mindfulness and doing meditation can be a great tool for healing. Putting your life together means, focusing on your needs, building your strength, energizing your energy and determining...

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Moringa This & Moringa That.

Moringa This & Moringa That.

Moringa Loose Leaf Tea, Moringa Seeds and Moringa Tea, are packed with nutritious compounds essential to human health. The Miracle Tree, also called The Tree of Life, has healing elements like no other plant. The Moringa Tea is made from the leaves of the Moringa oleifera plant. Moringa tea is an herbal tea naturally caffeine free for your pleasure any time of the day. For the perfect cup of tea steep the moringa leaves in pure distilled hot water for 3-5 mins and enjoy. The seeds are edible bitter but healthy In the raw form. Visit: GetYourTailsUp to order your...

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A Gifted Soul Brings, A Gifted Heart with Giving Hands.

A Gifted Soul Brings, A Gifted Heart with Giving Hands.

A gifted soul doesn’t always mean you’re spiritually gifted in dreams, visions, hearing, nor emotional. Your gift could be helping others in the simplest form; public speaking, craftsmanship, and in other ways letting your skills play out. God has gifted us with many skills, it’s just finding the one that suits your ability to carry out God’s work. One thing to remember as you perform your gift is to always listen to the giftee/recipient the person who is receiving the benefit of your gift. Listen to their voice on how your presence and your helping hands are valuable to them...

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