When we fail to be attentive to our kids, guess who’s watching them?

Why are they kidnapping our kids?

“BOLO” (Be On the Look Out) is not just a statement; it’s a powerful reminder of the critical need to remain vigilant and engaged in our children's lives. When we aren’t attentive, there’s a dangerous void that can be filled by negative influences, harmful environments, or even predators.

As parents, caregivers, and guardians, it’s essential to stay present, alert, and actively involved to protect, guide, and positively influence our children. When we’re absent, we unknowingly leave our children vulnerable, creating opportunities for predators and harmful factors to step in. They’re being watched, snatched, and preyed upon as if it’s hunting season. The world can be unforgiving, and our inattentiveness could have tragic consequences.

People, I beg you, stay focused! Teach your children how to be safe. Teach them that it’s okay to say “No” to adults in certain situations, and if they feel threatened, they can and should scream loudly: “Get away from me!” or “You’re not my family!”

We must also take care of ourselves because predators target parents and guardians too. We all play a part in protecting our children, ensuring they grow up in a safe and nurturing environment. It’s always a blessing. 🍃


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