My Birthday Thoughts Are to Speak to My Heart.

Dear heart, we've turned 60 years old today, and I am very happy, healthy, and feeling good. Because we are one, I have some questions about our emotional feelings. Dear heart, why do we feel things before they happen? Does my visions and thoughts bring on so much tension that it almost feels like we are going through someone else's motions? Tell me, what can I do to filter out other people's problems? Dear heart, I'm wondering if I'm clogging you up with the pain that belongs to other people. I pray and manifest, so why do I wake up in the wee hours of the morning feeling pain and sorrow, as if something is going to happen in that moment or remembering certain situations of sadness from the past?

 Dear heart, I feel so sad filtering in the world's problems. Please tell me where these feelings are coming from? I'm sitting in my thoughts, and I can foresee or feel something taking place but can't pinpoint anything. Dear heart, are we not here on this earth to do good deeds, listen, mend, and help others? Dear heart, speak to me. Can I be putting us in danger by taking on so much? I always believed the things we do to help others are for the joy of things. Dear heart, how do we continue to help others but filter out the sad part of things?

 Dear heart, I am truly working on me because I know whatever I take in will generate how we feel. I will no longer suffocate us, allowing us that oxygen to breathe freely. Dear heart, teach me how to move away and not carry the pain and sorrow of others. Dear heart, I need you just as much as you need me, but I need you more to work on my behalf. We need that healthy oxygen to live, so that we can move forward as one.

 Dear heart, did I tell you, I love you, from the bottom of my heart?

Dear heart, I feel and hear you beating, but I'm not getting the answers needed. Dear heart, I’m sorry…. but our best choice is to take this to the Lord in prayer.

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